This high–specification machine is equipped as standard with a number of intelligent and automated features designed to make spraying easier, more accurate, more efficient and more profitable. A wide choice of durable steel spray booms from 24-40m is available, fitted with BoomGuard anti-yaw suspension.
The optional BoomTrac system provides perfect boom stability during spraying by measuring the actual boom height 50 times a second and comparing this with the target height. When a difference occurs, BoomTrac automatically adjusts the spray boom height and boom tilt angle to ensure the optimum boom position, whether spraying in the field or turning at the headland.
The R952i has a 5,200-litre water tank and booms from 24-40m wide. |
John Deere sprayer operators using BoomTrac have reported noticing more effective control of blackgrass during the 2012 spraying season due to the more consistent application of herbicides that can be achieved using this fast, automatic boom height control system.
Other key features of the new R952i trailed sprayer include the SolutionCommand automatic solution management system with AutoDilute that lets the operator accurately fill, agitate, spray and multi-cycle rinse the sprayer, and dispose of residues at the push of a button on the tractor’s GreenStar display.
John Deere’s suite of optional i-Solutions also includes Spray-to-Map, a prescription mapping tool that enables the operator to spray variable rates of fertiliser or crop protection chemicals, and Sectional Control automatic boom section control that helps to minimise overlaps and misses and avoid wasting valuable inputs.
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