While current technology allows automatic control of boom height on many sprayers, until recently there was no way of controlling yawing movements – that is, the horizontal movements of spraying booms. Where yawing occurs, spraying booms swing backwards and forwards in an uncontrolled manner while the sprayer travels across the field, and chemical applications can vary from very low rates up to four times the required rate as a result.
Lemken’s Swingcut system now provides active horizontal damping for substantially improved application accuracy. Previously, field sprayer booms were most commonly connected to the base unit via an oscillating suspension and followed the machine with passive spring and damping elements. However, these components cannot be actively adjusted in response to uneven surfaces or increasing or decreasing tractor speeds while the unit is being moved. As a consequence, booms swing backwards and forwards in an uncontrolled manner during travel, resulting in plant protection products being applied unevenly.
Lemken’s novel, semi-active Swingcut system features dampers comprising intelligent magnetorheological and electrorheological fluids that respond to electrical or magnetic impulses and can therefore be controlled. Boom movement is detected via optical sensors, and the damping system is activated as soon as the movement exceeds pre-defined limits. The system responds automatically and continually to any given travel situation and ensures optimum boom placement at all times.
As Swingcut dampers actively control boom dynamics, plant protection products can be applied with up to 50 per cent greater accuracy, and misapplication is effectively prevented. This in turn reduces the quantities of products that need to be applied and allows product concentrations to be reduced, saving costs and protecting the environment. This benefit is particularly valuable in view of further restrictions to be expected regarding the approval of new active substances. An additional advantage is that resistances are effectively prevented from developing due to insufficient product quantities being applied.
Finally, the system saves considerable time, as improved accuracy of application allows travel speeds to be increased, even on uneven surfaces.
For more information visit: www.lemken.com.