Kuhn: Axis now available with Isobus compatibility

Compatibility with the Isobus control interface is now a feature on specific models within Kuhn’s Axis 50.1W and Axis 40.1W twin-disc fertiliser spreader ranges. Models in both ranges are available with and without the CCI 100 control box, offering flexible solutions whether tractors are pre-fitted with an Isobus facility or not.
The Axis 50.1W, which includes integral weigh facilities and – with a 2,000-litre base unit plus 2,000-litre hopper extension – can operate with a payload 4,000kg. The 40.1W has a 1,200 litre base filling capacity and a 3,000kg load capacity with hopper extensions. The Telimat automatic border spreading limiter is now fitted as standard on both these machines.
Kuhn’s Axis range has been heralded as a new generation of machine offering tangible benefits within progressive agriculture, including precision farming applications.
Patented distribution technology, known as Coaxial Distribution Adjustment (CDA), lies behind the machine’s ability to maintain consistently accurate spread patterns automatically at varying forward speeds and/or application rates. CDA, alongside innovative hopper and agitator design, also allows an unprecedented maximum mass flow rate of up to 500kg/min.
Integral weighing on the Axis 40.1W and Axis 50.1W allows the machine to maintain an accurate application rate in response to changing fertiliser quality and/or ambient humidity, for example. This is achieved through close control of fertiliser flow rate (by adjustment of the hopper outlet via the Quantron control system) in response to information from the two weigh cells mounted on the hitch frame.
The overall Axis range now offers working widths from 12-36m and hopper capacities from 1,200-4,000 litres. In addition to the advanced application technology, Axis has also been designed to offer simple and logical adjustment, while maintenance costs are kept low through generous use of stainless steel and economy in potentially wearing parts.
All distribution parts are 100 per cebnt stainless steel and are easily accessible for cleaning and calibration.

For more information visit: www.kuhn.co.uk.