Spaldings introduces Leica lightbar guidance system

Spaldings has introduced the Leica Lightbar Guidance System into its product range. The system makes precision guidance affordable for every farmer so they can all save by increasing the driver’s accuracy, efficiency and productivity in all field operations. The system also comes with four standard guidance patterns as standard to suit all applications.
“The Lightbar Guidance System is fully portable so it can be easily swapped between tractors in a matter of minutes,”
Spaldings agricultural sales director Roger Chase said. “Decreasing waste, whether its fertiliser, seed or fuel, from lack of accuracy is currently at the top of every farmer’s list. Many farmers face reductions in support from the Government after the recent CAP reform and this affordable system can help combat these cuts.”
The Leica Lightbar Guidance System comes as standard with the Leica GeoSpective smart antenna that features GL1DE technology that ensures superior pass-to-pass performance. Accuracy is assured as the system receives a signal from the usual 24 American satellites plus the additional 24 Russian GLONASS satellites, the only system at this price level using both. By utilising all 48 satellites, in combination with the GL1DE facility, pass-to-pass accuracy is down to 100mm.
Additional features include Boundary Recording, Coverage Mapping and Continue Field. The Boundary Recording feature measures and records the accurate acreage of each field to be worked. This function will help eliminate over-application of costly inputs such as chemicals and fertiliser.
With the Coverage Mapping, all ground covered in any operation is clearly visible at a glance. This ensures all operations are performed and maximises fuel and time usage while ensuring there are no misses or overlaps.
The Continue Field feature gives the operator the facility to leave a job part way through and then allows them to pin point the exact spot and continue when they return.
There are no annual subscriptions or updates for this system resulting in no costly additional fees that would render the system useless, as can often be the case with other similar systems.
“Several of the features are also unique to the Leica Guidance System such as the drive to line light bar, which can be used in all light conditions with its improved contrast and the option of changing the lightbar style,” Mr Chase added. “It also has a nudge line facility which realigns the set line to compensate for position drift.
“All of these features come in an affordable, easy-to-use system, suited to any type of farming operation.”

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