Grimme has launched its GB215 belt potato planter for the 2011 season.
Formerly known as the GL42K, the unit has undergone some major changes. The three-point linkage frame is stronger and now supports a redesigned axle configuration to give Ackerman steering and an easily adjusted height of the planter for differing bed depths.
The openers and the flow board are connected and through a potentiometer control from the flow board the automatic depth control for planting depth is operated. The new openers are preceded by a small centrally mounted hydraulically adjusted plough (in conjunction with the openers) designed to level the bed and to guide soil to the outer side of the openers, which in turn will allow the formation of the drill by the flow board.
The flow board has been improved and is now completely smooth to allow soil to flow easily through the board. The soil retention plates, retaining the loose soil within the planter, are now mounted with free vertical movement while still being able to float over the stones in the tractor wheelings.
While no change has been needed to the planting system, the adjustment of the belt agitator moves from a manual adjustment at the side of the machine to an in cab adjustment through the VC50 Visual Control box.
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