Dairy Spares: Motor-less swinging cow brush keeps animals happy at lower cost

Dairy Spares has launched a motor-less swinging cattle brush that helps satisfy cows’ needs to scratch and groom themselves.

Called Jolly Cow, the brush hangs vertically down and moves mechanically 180 degrees through one plane. Cows push it against gravity to groom both the top of their backs and along their sides. The absence of motorisation enables the brush to be easily sited. It also has a much lower purchase and running costs than motorised brushes.

Installing brushes inside a shed enables cows to satisfy their natural needs to rub, scratch and groom themselves, providing many benefits for their health and welfare. Studies have shown cows have less stress, fewer cases of mastitis, and improved milk yields.

The Jolly Cow Swing Cattle Brush is 90cm by 40cm and should be fixed so the bottom of the brush is at a height of 80cm from the ground. One brush per 50 cows is recommended.

The brush costs £595+VAT (correct at April 2019).

For more information visit: www.dairyspares.co.uk.