Pöttinger: Smaller trailed tedder makes UK debut

A new, smaller trailed tedder model joined the Pöttinger Hit T tedder line-up at Lamma 2018. This new addition offers an 8.86m working width, utilising eight Dynatech rotors each equipped with six tine arms. The new machine complements the larger 10- and 12-rotor models already in the range.

Aimed at those using smaller tractors, this new trailed model can be used with as little as 60hp, offering a secure and stable option when working on steeper ground, for example. For transport, the tedder is folded hydraulically and then rests horizontally on its own dedicated transport chassis.

Equipped with side safety guards, the tedder is held securely while in transport position and doesn’t require the operator to leave their seat to fold or unfold the tedder. A choice of the standard ring hitch or a Cat II lower linkage headstock is available.

The cranked tine arm design of the Pöttinger Dynatech rotor system ensures crops are spread cleanly without bunching and left with an even spread pattern. Double-coil asymmetric tines are fitted with tine savers as standard, and supported by solid steel tine arms that offer a secure and rugged mounting.

Drive to the rotors is delivered via the maintenance-free double universal joint drive line, thus ensuring the rotors can adapt effectively to changes in ground contour unhindered.

The small, 1.42m diameter Dynatech rotors offer an ideal rotor speed that ensures a consistent and even spread, critical for ensuring an even dry matter throughout the crop being wilted.

For more information visit: www.poettinger.at/en_uk.