Metsjö: MetaQ trailer cuts tractor fuel consumption

A study conducted by the Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (JTI ) shows that it’s economically advantageous to use the MetaQ75 trailer from Swedish manufacturer Metsjö for transportation compared to less technically advanced trailers. The only exception is during transportation of very low weights for short distances.

The organisation found that if the MetaQ was used eight hours per weekday, the extra purchase cost for the Metsjö trailer compared to two double-coupled, low-tech trailers was earned back in about 25 weeks according. This was due to MetaQ using about 20 to 28 per cent less fuel per transported tonne, and also the load capacity being substantially higher, which reduces the number of required trips.

JTI conducted the study on behalf of the Swedish Energy Agency where the MetaQ trailer (defined as high-tech trailer) was been compared with two double-coupled conventional trailers (defined as low-tech trailers). The tests were carried out on exactly the same distance in about 20 hours driving in 50-minute sequences both loaded and unloaded in 50/50 terrain and asphalt. The trailers participating in the study were roughly representative of the real differences that exist in the market today, where a low-tech trailer is constructed in a conventional fashion with a pendulum bogie.

MetaQs fuel-efficient design is made possible by a number of components, for example a unique flatbed design in high-strength Hardox 450 steel from SSAB resulting in a lower operating weight. Separately mounted, hydraulically suspended axles from BPW allow for increased payload, while better weight distribution and larger wheels, in this case 710/45-26.5 from Trelleborg, allow the trailer to make better progress off-road. JTI wasn’t able to ascertain which of MetaQ’s components contribute most to the low fuel consumption of the pulling tractor, only that the sum lead to the shown result.

The cost savings available with the MetaQ trailer would allow the extra initial cost of the trailer to be paid back in just 25 weeks.

“We think that the study’s results are great,” Metsjö’s chief executive, Anders Ivarsson, said. “The results confirm the picture I, and many of our customers, have that Metsjö trailers move very easily. Since our MetaFlex hook-lift trailers are based on the same chassis design as MetaQ, but have even lower operatijg weights compared to competitors, we believe that the savings could be even greater for them.

“The MetaQ’s ability to take all kinds of MetaQ containers also enables the customer to earn back their investment costs quickly in an efficient and easy way. The estimated lifetime of the MetaQ75 is about 20-30 years, which we believe makes Metsjö trailers a good investment. We’re pleased that we can clearly show that there are profits to invest in quality and development.”

Metsjö is a family company that was founded in 1958 at Metsjö, Sweden. The company  produces mainly hook-lifters, trailers and side-mounted forage harvesters, and has become known as a technical innovator.

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