Life Scientific: Continued innovation sees new PGR launched

Early use of Sudo Mor from Life Scientific holds back and thickens the main stem, encouraging side tillers and evening up the crop in winter cereals
Early use of Sudo Mor from Life Scientific holds back and thickens the main stem, encouraging side tillers and evening up the crop in winter cereals.

Irish off-patent manufacturer Life Scientific has launched its first plant growth regulator (PGR), Sudo Mor, that contains 250g/lit trinexapac ethyl and is registered for use on all varieties of winter and spring wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale and ryegrass seed crops.

Based on the company’s reference product Moddus, Sudo Mor has been reverse engineered from the original to produce a new product accepted as the same by regulatory authorities.

“Sudo Mor is a cost-effective crop management tool that protects and enhances yield potential, and comes to market at a time when growers are under pressure to scrutinise input costs while not compromising yields,” the UK country manager for Life Scientific, Ruth Stanley, said.

“PGR’s will be an essential part of the spray programme this spring; we had a kind autumn, crops went in well and, so far, the winter has been kind, so crops are coming into the spring growth period looking lush, forward and full of potential.

“It’s important this potential is managed correctly, which means ensuring lush crops are prevented from lodging.”

There are three key factors that impact lodging risk.

“Size of the canopy in the spring is a critical indicator of crop development and lodging risk,” Ms Stanley added. “This can be measured by its green area index (GAI).

Life Scientific’s UK technical manager Ruth Stanley
Life Scientific’s UK technical manager Ruth Stanley.

“The best way to achieve a stable high yielding crop potential, in the lusher forward crops is to establish a good base. Like good building design, foundations are key to a stable structure, so early PGR’s and a continued programme of PGR’s will give the best chance to maintain a standing crop through the season.

“Remember a higher-yielding crop will produce heavier ears. Heavy ears put weight on the stem so the higher the yield potential the greater the risk. Estimates are for every extra tonne over 9t/ha, lodging resistance Is reduced by 0.5 points.

“Varieties also have different resistances to lodging; this comes down to differences in height, tillering capacity, stem strength and speed of establishment.

“Varieties with a score of 7 or less on the AHDB Recommended List should be considered at risk of lodging and should be managed carefully.”

Plants need to be actively growing to metabolise Sudo Mor. As a contact-acting PGR, Sudo Mor, inhibits the production of gibberellic acid and shortens the internodes, reducing lodging on cereals and grasses. It has a wide application window, from growth stage 30-39 (in winter cereals).

When used at GS30, Sudo Mor also helps root development and increases root plate diameter. This prevents lodging and also increases the plants ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

Early use will also hold back and thicken the main stem, encouraging side tillers and even up the crop. By temporarily reducing the rate of stem extension with a PGR, such as Sudo Mor, it means more of the plant resources can be diverted to thickening the stems and promoting root growth.

The new product is commercially available through distribution partners ProCam and Hutchinsons.