Rolls-Royce: New fuel cell demonstrator will ensure electricity supplies

Rolls-Royce Power Systems is setting up a demonstrator at Friedrichshafen to test sustainable and climate-friendly power supply technology based on fuel cells
Rolls-Royce Power Systems is setting up a demonstrator at Friedrichshafen to test sustainable and climate-friendly power supply technology based on fuel cells.

Another new technology – the hydrogen fuel cell – is currently making in-roads at the Friedrichshafen, Germany, plant of Rolls-Royce’s Power Systems division, where a 250kW demonstrator is in the process of being set up to test future zero-carbon energy systems and present these to customers.

“We firmly believe that fuel cell technology is set to make a huge contribution to a successful energy turnaround,” the CEO of Rolls-Royce Power Systems, Andreas Schell, said. “That’s why Rolls-Royce sees it as its mission to assume a pioneering role in fuel cell applications

“Fuel cells shall form an elementary part of our product portfolio for sustainable solutions.”

Fuel cells have very high efficiency levels when generating electricity from hydrogen and oxygen. When run on pure hydrogen, they give off zero emissions – only water vapor – as well as being low-noise, low-maintenance, and vibration-free.

“The greatest benefit is when they are run on regeneratively produced hydrogen because this enables polluting and climate-damaging gas emissions to be fully eliminated,” the vice president of the Rolls-Royce PowerLab, Dr Peter Riegger, added. “This gives fuel cells a huge potential to become a major technology for decarbonizing propulsion and electrical power supply systems.”

Much has already happened at Rolls-Royce Power Systems’ Friedrichshafen Plant in recent months, with the complex hydrogen infrastructure – which requires a lot of investment – now installed and the container all set up complete with its four low-temperature PEM fuel cell modules. Designed at the company’s plants at Ruhstorf (Bavaria) and Friedrichshafen, safety reasons dictate the container has two separate compartments for fuel cells and batteries, plus a host of power electronics. The control system has now been fully refined, cooling and air conditioning are on the roof, and a rack system enables simple maintenance, allowing individual system modules to be replaced as required.

The energy systems using fuel cell modules from the automotive sector have been put through their paces on the test stand, and Rolls-Royce engineers are more than happy with the results.

“Power flexing characteristics and performance are excellent, and as expected there are no vibrations or no loud noises,” Dr Riegger said. The next step is to connect all four demo modules together in the container and hook up the batteries and power circuit. Commissioning is slated for the second half of 2021.

The demonstrator will be used for test purposes, and to show interested parties the applications the system is suitable for. These include stand-by power, prime power, uninterruptible power supplies and black start capability, allowing the system to be started from scratch without a mains connection.