Terravesta: Miscanthus specialist appoints ProCam as official agronomist

Miscanthus baling.

Terravesta has appointed ProCam as its official agronomy service to support farmers with crop care throughout the UK.

The rapidly growing demand for miscanthus and target of 1,800ha of marginal land for 2021 planting alone means that more widespread and regional support for the crop is needed, according to the firm.

“ProCam’s wide-reaching expertise will help to advise farmers on everything from ground preparation, successful establishment and ongoing crop maintenance,” Terravesta sales manager Ben Booth said.

The new arrangement will mean farmers can access support from regional ProCam agronomists who understand the local area, and know the growers and their farm enterprises.

The head of crop production at ProCam, Mike Thornton, said that as UK farmers moved into an era of the unknown in agriculture, many farmers were looking to mitigate risk, and miscanthus was a low-maintenance crop with a consistent market, and less highs and lows than traditional arable cropping.

“The UK has a lot of marginal land that farmers struggle to grow arable crops on, and miscanthus enables them to profit from these areas,” he added.

ProCam will be able to offer a broad spectrum of agricultural expertise and regional knowledge, and advise as to whether miscanthus will suit farm enterprises.

“Tenant farmers in particular may see it as a crop that could give the stability and take the weight off the difficult decisions that need to be made each year,” Mr Thornton said. “Our team will be involved in all areas of crop management, from initial cultivations relevant to the incumbent soil type as well as in depth nutrition analysis to support the growing crop.”

For more information visit: www.terravesta.com.