New Claas UK parts warehouse opens for business

The new Claas parts warehouse at Saxham, Suffolk.

As the grass harvesting season starts to get under way, the supply of parts to Claas customers and dealers throughout the UK and Ireland has further benefitted from the opening of the new Claas UK Parts warehouse at Saxham, Suffolk. The new building is part of the second phase of the complete redevelopment of the Claas UK headquarters, which is nearing completion.

The opening of the new central UK Parts warehouse has revolutionised parts handling at Saxham. As the business has grown through the years, parts have needed to be stored in five different buildings across the site.

The new building has a floor area of 4,336 square meters, which is equivalent to 17 tennis courts, and a total capacity of 42,000 cubic metres, making it capable of holding enough malting barley to enable the local Bury St Edmunds brewer Greene King to produce about 357 million pints of its best selling Old Speckled Hen bitter!

The new warehouse has a total volume of 42,000 cubic metres.

The new building is more than capable of accommodating the 47,000 line items, or 850,000 individual items that are held in stock by Claas UK, under one roof, with space to spare for future expansion. For larger items, there’s now 45m of cantilever racking and the amount of bulk racking has been doubled, while a mezzanine area holds 70 per cent of the total contents of the previous warehouse across three levels. All parts are identified and located using a scan and bar code system and a new “Serpentine” row system has been installed to provide improved pick rate accuracy and efficiency.

For increased flow of parts through the building, the Goods In area is 60 per cent larger than before, the Packing area has been doubled, and Dispatch is 40 per cent bigger. The secure customs area for airfreight to Ireland has also been doubled.

The opening of the new Claas UK Parts warehouse follows the recent expansion of the worldwide Claas Parts Logistics Centre at Hamm, in Germany.

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