Cargill has introduced a new feed additive that improves feed conversion and promotes wellbeing in pigs through their finishing period. Developed by its global research team, ConverMax is a unique blend of botanical extracts combined with a high-quality mineral source.
Cargill has conducted several trials across Europe using ConverMax in a wide range of pig units, genetics and feeding systems. The results have shown an average improvement in feed conversion ratio of pigs of 0.1 point, resulting in an increased average profitability of £2.38 per pig, and a return on investment (ROI) of more than 3:1 on average, depending on feeding strategy and farm system. In addition, the trials recorded a lower than usual incidence and severity of skin lesions and second-grade carcases.
ConverMax is added to finisher diets at a rate of 2kg/t, with a minimum of 85kg of feed provided per pig.
“The different components in ConverMax have a calming effect on the pigs,” says Cargill’s UK pig nutritionist Maisie Lord. “This encourages better feed utilisation, with more energy from feed being used for growth. Additional ROI can be achieved through improvements in carcase quality and improved labour conditions and loading time for staff.”
Cargill developed ConverMax to specifically help pig producers better navigate their way through specific on-site challenges that can lead to stressful situations and aggressive behaviour among pigs.
“This kind of behaviour can significantly reduce growth performance and welfare of the herd if not tackled properly, and affect the financial return of the unit,” the additives leader at Cargill Animal Nutrition, Adriaan Smulders, who had direct involvement with the product’s development, said.
“As we developed ConverMax, we discovered that it was possible to significantly improve feed conversion at the same time as promoting well-being in finishing pigs,” he added. “These combined benefits create a better financial return for the individual pig producer and, through improved feed conversion, contribute to improved sustainability in the sector.
“Welfare and sustainability in pig production has become an increasingly important topic on the agenda of public and governmental bodies, as well as retailers. ConverMax is a nutritional solution that helps promote animal wellbeing while successfully navigating pigs through the finishing period.”
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