The new Minimum TillDiscs from Amazone care available as a special option on the comnpany’s Cirrus drill in place of cultivation discs. On a row spacing of 16.6cm, the ground, the harvest residues and also any green crop can be cut directly in front of the sowing coulters for a clean seed/soil contact.
The corrugated discs result in significantly less soil being moved than with the conventional two-row cultivation discs. In problematic areas with increased chemical resistance and weed infestation (for example black grass or common silky bent), this new disc can provide an effective alternative for minimum-disturbance establishment.
Following on from the primary soil tillage and subsequent crop protection measures to promote and control the emergence of volunteer grain and weeds, the soil in between the intended seed rows is left uncultivated. The timing for sowing the following crop is pushed back in the direction of the dormancy period, and thus the germination rate of weeds is minimised. During the sowing operation with Minimum TillDisc, as little soil as possible is moved and loosened, and is cut only in the area ahead of the sowing coulters to prevent any renewed germination of weeds.
After the establishment of a green bridge as an effective weed and erosion management tool, the Minimum TillDiscs also help as a less aggressive operating technique. It’s only in the area around pre-running discs that previous or living crop populations are cut ahead of sowing the seed with the following disc coulters. Also, in previously established feed mixtures, with this method, an additional crop can be reseeded or overwintered damage minimised.
In dry areas, the use of the Minimum TillDisc ensures a water-saving cultivation as only the strip directly in front of the sowing coulter is worked. Under moist and sticky soil conditions, the Minimum TillDiscs’ corrugated discs mean fewer clods are brought to the surface than with the standard discs. In addition, with the operation of the Minimum TillDisc, the Cirrus drill is easier to pull, resulting in a positive effect on fuel consumption.
The Cirrus now offers, depending on the customer’s desire, a wide selection of pre-running tools. In addition to the standard disc segment with a 460mm rough serrated or, alternatively, a fine serrated disc, the Cirrus can now feature the new Minimum TillDisc corrugated discs, or can be delivered without discs.
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