Envirosystems: Wholecrop inoculant offers rapid preservation and open-clamp stability

A new silage inoculant for fermented wholecrop that claims dual action for rapid preservation and open-clamp stability has been launched by Envirosystems.

OptiSile Wholecrop is a combination of three bacterial strains. For vigorous lactic acid fermentation and maximum nutrient preservation, one is the widely used Lactobacillus plantarum. The other two strains prevent spoilage during fermentation, at the open clamp face, and in the trough, by producing acetic acid to inhibit moulds, yeasts, Clostridia and Listeria.

Without spoilage prevention, Envirosystems specialist Sally Russell said high dry matter forages like fermented wholecrop were prone to heating up and rapid deterioration as soon as they’re exposed to the air.

“Tackling this makes fermented wholecrop a realistic alternative this year to caustic soda treated grain,” she added.

It’s believed short supply of caustic soda and resulting price hikes are making farmers approaching harvest seek an alternative to soda grain. If this produces a late swing towards fermented wholecrop, the company says it’s poised to meet increased demand at short notice from its manufacturing base near Preston.

For more information visit: www.envirosystems.co.uk.