Horsch will present its new ContourFarming technology for the Maestro SW single-grain seed drill at Agritechnica 2015. This system automatically changes speed of the seed metering across the working width of the machine when cornering to maintain seed rates.
For crops like maize, sunflowers and sugar beet the optimum seed size or the desired population density is indicated by the breeder based on variety and site. These specifications mostly are based on tests. Every variety has certain tolerance range, for example from 60,000 to 75,000 plants/ha.

The seed quantity should also be in this range, even on the headlands and even when cornering. The Horsch Maestro line with its individually electrically driven metering units is the ideal basis for the integration of an automatic changes to seed quantity when cornering. The ContourFarming option for the Maestro 16, 24 and 36 SW drills also includes two additional radar sensors for speed detection.
The standard radar sensor is in the middle of the machine. The two additional radar sensors are mounted at the end of each wing section of the single-grain seed drill and records the speed. If the machines drives into a corner, the inner radar sensor registers a lower speed and the outer one a higher speed. If the difference is more than 0.6km/hr, every single row motor of the metering devices is supplied – automatically based on fixed control curve – with a value that has been corrected in relation to the speed change.
As a result, measured by the time unit, the machine places less seed in the inside rows and more seed in the outside area. Thus, the seed quantity per hectare remains constant over the whole working width of the machine. This process runs automatically and allows for making optimum use of the yield potential of the respective plant.
For more information visit: www.horsch.com.