Irish agricultural machinery manufacturer Blaney Agri has taken the power shredding technology developed by sister company Quad-X for its range of ATV mowers and used it in a new offering of hedgecutting equipment.
As well as manufacturing hedgecutters, Blaney have also developed a unique excavator cutting head with flotation linkage to follow ground contours. This cutting head has been designed for optimum manoeuvrability to allow for cutting in closer proximity to the hedge. Blaney can manufacture these innovative cutting heads to suit any make/model of digger. They are made from 50 per cent heavier alloy material, yet are lightweight for better balance even when reaching with smaller diggers.
Excavator heads are also equipped with a special hydraulic “Powerbox”, a sophisticated set-up that ensures the rotor is running at the right speed and protects the head hydraulic motor from any imbalances in the system.
The Blaney range of tractor hedge cutting machinery is available in three series: Compact, Agri and Contractor – built to suit the intensity of the work being done. With hedgecutters to suit tractors from 20hp, and various cutting head widths and hydraulic power. You can choose the arm reach, with seven options ranging from 3.0m to 6.5m.
Numerous arm options are available to help with certain tasks. Parallel arm geometry allows the operator to adjust the reach of the arm while maintaining a consistant head angle. Lift and angle float kits assist with verge and highway mowing, enabling the cutting head to automatically follow the contours of the ground without any operator input. The option of power slew allows the arm to rotate back behind the tractor, providing the ability to cut right into corners of hedgerows, while also providing a compact transport position. On the Contractor series a forward-reach arm is available to set the cutting head forward into the operator’s sight line, improving visibility and reducing fatigue. Blaney also offers a unique and innovative backward reach arm ideal for cutting along narrow laneways.
All flail heads are fitted with bi-directional drive as standard for upward and downward cutting. Blaney’s vast experience in rotor design ensures the Blaney hedgecutters offer the highest rotor speed, for a better cut and improved efficiency saving time and fuel. Manual and Hydraulic cutting head rollers are available for certain models to make following verge and hedge contours easier and to maintain desired cutting height.

You can choose between a direct-drive cutting head or an indirect belt drive system. The Blaney belt-drive system ensures a compact design and provides the best protection against shock impact on the motor when cutting heavy material, increasing motor life and performance.
Control options include cable control, electronic switch box control and sof-touch proportional joystick control. Cable control consists of a lever-operated control valve inside the cab, while the switchbox control gives fingertip control, easy operation and instant response. The most sophisticated of the control options is the proportional joystick, where movement of the flail head is proportional to the movement of the joystick. An electronic version is available with operating conditions of the system displayed on a handy LCD screen inside the cab.
The Blaney range of hedge cutters are suitable for anything from hedge cutting to verge or grass mowing along highways. The use of lightweight alloy steel within the cutting head has meant that these machines are suitable for use with smaller tractors, which has its own benefits when working on wet ground. Extensive research and development on the hydraulic tank has resulted in a design that will dissipate heat to prolong component life span, with an internal baffle for stability and to prevent debris entering the pump.
Other options include an oil cooler kit to improve the performance of the hydraulic oil, by maintaining it at its optimum temperature, during prolonged use. If the hedge cutter is to be used or transported on public roads a highway light kit is available. A debris blower can be added to help move cuttings back into the hedge or verge.
Safety breakaway is a standard feature on all Blaney’s hedgecutters, which allows the main arm to rotate back if it comes into contact with a fixed object such as a gate post, to prevent damage being done to the machine. Folding storage support legs make mounting, removal and storage easier.
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