Farmers can now receive a simple text message when their electric fencing has been compromised. The handy Rutland GSM Smart Phone Control Energiser, launched at the Livestock Event, revolutionises how farmers work with electric fencing, saving them valuable time and money.
Using the latest innovative technology, farmers can now be alerted instantly when there’s little, or no, voltage in their electric fencing through a simple message to their phone, wherever they are.
“We wanted to give farmers and agricultural workers total peace of mind when it came to using electric fencing,” the agricultural category manager for Rutland Electric Fencing, Tom Royall, said. “The aim is to supply a product that’s cost-effective, totally reliable and saves time because it will alert you immediately when it’s not working.”
The new product, which is available as a battery-operated or mains version, has also been designed to allow individuals to turn off the power on request so that a farmer can work on the fence line without having to return to the power source to switch it off. It’s a key management tool for farmers.
The Rutland GSM Smart Phone Control Energiser, which has been described by farmers who have trialled the product as both versatile and labour-saving, has proven invaluable for those who manage larger outlying lands in remote areas, offering them additional security.
Mr Royall added these technological advances were taking electric fencing into the 21st century, removing the associated traditional pitfalls of electric fencing, while making the package more reliable, efficient and dependable.
“Rutland Electric Fencing prides itself on innovation and supporting the next generation of farmers, which includes working with Young Farmers’ Clubs and tapping into the technology they use,” he said.
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