Claas: New Volto tedder is the largest in the range

Following the introduction of the award winning Max Spread crop flow concept on its Volto 1100, 900, 800 and 700 models, Claas has introduced a new 13m version – the Volto 1300T.

The new machine is a 10-rotor trailed machine and the widest tedder in the current Claas range. Each of the rotors is 1.50m wide and fitted with seven spreader arms with heavy-duty 10.5mm sprung steel tines.

Instead of the spreading arms being straight, with the Max Spread system the spreader arms are angled by 29 degrees to improve crop flow through the tedder. As a result, the spreading arms work for 65 per cent longer and the increase in pick-up rate results in higher working speeds.

With a working width of 13m, the new Volto 1300T is the widest tedder in the Claas range.


Compared with conventional straight spreading arms, the crop flow between the rotors has more space; this reduces the load on the driveline, reduces the bending forces on the tines and is more gentle on the crop. As a result of this linear flow through the tedding rotors, larger volumes of crop can pass through, so helping increase throughput, but also providing a wider and more-even spread pattern.

For different crop conditions, the spreading angle can be adjusted between 16 degrees and 12 degrees, without the use of tools. The standard specification includes a hydraulic headland crop guard and there’s a new optional headland lift system that enables all the rotors to be lifted while still turning.

The Max Spread system means larger volumes of crop can pass through, so helping increase throughput, but also providing a wider and more-even spread pattern.


In addition to the support wheels on each rotor, for optimum ground following, the Volto 1300T is also fitted as standard with a double castor wheels on the drawbar.

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