Derwent Trading: Watchlock GPS security device

The WatchLock is a sophisticated padlock that sends an immediate notification to registered users if the lock is tampered with in any way.

It comprises a strong padlock that incorporates a sophisticated GPS locating system that will alert users in real time in any location, and it provides users peace of mind, assuring them they are in control of their machinery or equipment.

If the lock is tampered with, forced or struck, the lock will send out an immediate alert – via SMS or a push notification to a smartphone app – to the owner. If actually stolen, the WatchLock can be used to track and locate the machine at any time via an online registration portal or the app.

WatchLock is a versatile system that has many uses, including locking shipping containers, barn doors, outbuildings, stables, implement sheds and fuel tanks, but it can also be used with the Blockstem security lock that’s also distributed by Derwent Trading International Ltd.

The tamper-proof Blockstem simply slots together over the hydraulic steering axle ram of any self-propelled machine, and is locked in place with a unique key when the wheels are at full lock.

Once fitted, the unit not only acts as an effective visual deterrent; it also means the vehicle can only go round in circles, thus preventing the vehicle from being loaded or driven away, even if the thief has the ignition key.

Insurance companies will offer discounts tractor owners that use both the Blockstem and WatchLock systems.

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