Terravesta: Autumn farm walks planned to showcase miscanthus

Arable farmers looking into new and lucrative planting options can learn about the next chapter for the miscanthus market at an extended event series hosted by Terravesta this autumn. Spanning six days, the free miscanthus farm walks will showcase the commercial and operational rewards of growing the perennial energy crop, with insight into developments that will improve margins for 2015 and beyond.

The miscanthus farm walks will take place in Lincolnshire (September 30 to October 3) and Northamptonshire (October 7/8), where experts from the Terravesta team will lead attendees on a guided tour around working miscanthus sites. Visitors will hear about new processes and techniques that are set to lower establishment costs, and will get the chance to meet with existing growers who will share their experiences with the low-input, high-return energy crop.

Miscanthus grower and Terravesta chairman, William Cracroft-Eley, said that after the success of the organisation’s summer miscanthus farm walks, he was very much looking forward to welcoming guests to our extended event series this autumn.

“The overwhelming feedback from visitors was that meeting face-to-face with other farmers and exploring planted sites is the best way to really get to know the crop’s bespoke benefits. After all, who better to make the commercial case for miscanthus than real growers reaping the rewards year on year?” he added.

“With wheat prices continuing to plummet, we’re increasingly hearing from growers seriously looking for a more secure, long-term arable solution. Planting miscanthus not only means index-linked prices for the next ten years, but also very low inputs and a guaranteed market for all the in-spec crop they produce. Planting it myself has meant my own marginal land is now generating a healthy £579/ha, and thanks to new developments, establishment costs are falling and profit margins for new growers are only set to widen.”

The autumn events follow a series of successful summer miscanthus farm walks that saw farmers shown around seven miscanthus fields at two different farm sites. Visitors took the opportunity to discuss their spring 2015 planting plans, and gained valuable insight into how miscanthus can turn problem land into profitable land, as well as new planting and establishment techniques that continue to improve yields and rates of return.

To book a place at one of Terravesta’s autumn miscanthus farm walks, or for more information about the commercial opportunity for UK miscanthus visit: www.terravesta.com.