John Deere: Remote Display Access now activated

John Deere’s Remote Display Access (RDA) system has now been fully activated in Western and Central European countries and selected CIS markets, as part of the John Deere FarmSight strategy.
Awarded a silver medal for innovation at
SIMA 2013, RDA enables the dealer to remotely view the GreenStar 3 2630 display and the Generation 4 CommandCentre in the cab of a tractor, combine or forage harvester and, if necessary, advise the operator on how to optimise machine and implement settings.
“The full-scale availability of RDA is a significant step forward on the journey to expand our range of John Deere FarmSight solutions,”
Deere’s Christoph Wigger said. “Wireless connectivity between the operator in the field and the dealer results in significant time and input savings and leads to increased machine uptime.”
RDA is an integral part of the JDLink telematics fleet management system, which uses the machine’s integrated CAN-bus to view key performance data.
For example, JDLink reports and customer recommendations are available to analyse machine use, working hours and average engine load. This enables the dealer to suggest that the customer should keep an eye on idle machine time, consider increased use of guidance systems and eventually adopt more fuel-efficient driving habits.
The dealer can also carry out targeted operator training, even with third parties involved. Likewise, off-site experts can remotely view the driver’s screen for real-time troubleshooting and operator advice in the field.
According to John Deere, using RDA technology can reduce the operator assistance costs (including initial and recurring machine system set-up, ongoing machine optimisation adjustments, troubleshooting and so on) by about 30 per cent, as well as improving machine utilisation and performance.
The John Deere FarmSight strategy consists of a range of services offered by John Deere dealers based around machine optimisation, logistics optimisation and agronomic decision support.

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