Quad-X: Salt spreaders to keep your roads safe in the winter

Quad-X’s range of ATV equipment includes two models of salt spreader with either 60-litre or 300kg capacity.
The 60L model offers a unique mount system. It can fit to the rear rack of an ATV or can be mounted lower down on a 50mm towball, making it suitable for any vehicle including quads, utility vehicles, cars, vans and 4x4s.
It’s powered by a 12v motor to ensure an even spread. Stainless steel parts and a plastic hopper ensure protection from the corrosive nature of salt.
The 300kg capacity salt spreader is a ground-driven, towed machine suitable for gritting larger areas. Both salt spreaders have adjustable flow rates with the necessary deflector plates and special agitator kits for optimum spreading of salt and grit.
Quad-X can also tailor machines and develop products to suit their application.

For more information visit: www.quad-x.com.