Quad-X: Prepare for winter with ATV-mounted snowploughs

Quad-X’s range of ATV equipment to make your life happier and easier this winter includes snowploughs designed to fit on most ATVs, with wider models to suit utility vehicles.
The company’s innovative Supermount system, with implement angle and quick release, is the fastest fitting and most versatile system on the market to turn your quad into a work machine.
The Supermount system fixes to the underside of your quad and can be used with numerous Quad-X attachments to help you out this winter. It’s a universal fit, so even if you change your bike the Quad-X system will fit.
The Supermount system is designed to work with heavy loads and provides great ground clearance even in rough terrain, thanks to considerable R&D, allowing you to keep it fixed to the quad all year. Quick-release clips allow the snowplough to be fitted or removed in less than 10 seconds.
The blade can be angled left/right and can be lifted very high since the pivot point is at the front. The snowplough is spring-loaded to cushion collisions with obstacles, and is fitted with adjustable skids and a replaceable two-sided blade to protect the plough.

For more information visit: www.quad-x.com.