Prodata Weather Systems: UK launch of Davis Vantage Connect weather station

Prodata Weather Systems (PWS), the UK weather station retailer, is now ofering the Davis Vantage Connect, a new weather station that delivers real-time weather updates to internet-connected devices such as a smartphone or computer.
“Connect is an exciting addition to our range of professional weather stations,” PWS managing director
Dr John Dann said. “The connect unit powers a new, fully self-contained and solar-powered automatic weather station that is available through PWS at an attractively low price.
“The Vantage Connect can be located at any site and relays live weather and environmental data via the mobile phone network to a central web server, so allowing in-depth field and site conditions to be viewed in detail on PC and smartphone screens from any internet-connected location worldwide.

    “We are delighted that Prodata Weather Systems has been selected by Davis Instruments Inc as its sole UK testing partner,” he added. “As a result, we have already been able to build up an in-depth understanding of the wide-ranging capabilities and applications of this exciting new product. We are also now uniquely positioned to offer expert sales and customer service advice on Connect to our clients.”

How the Vantage Connect system works.

PWS believes the Connect will be invaluable to those businesses and individuals who need up-to-the-minute weather data to help their operations.

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