New Holland dealers around the UK have been installing Real Time Kinematic (RTK) radio base stations at their premises to allow their customers to take advantage of GPS systems that can guide tractors and harvesters at an accuracy of 2.5cm.
There are now 14 New Holland dealerships in England with the RTK base stations that each give reliable coverage over about 700 square miles. Five of these also benefit from additional Ntrip technology that expands coverage to the 2,100 square miles by broadcasting via the mobile ‘phone network to provide an accuracy of between 2.5-3.5cm.
RTK system acts as a fixed correction point that increases the accuracy of the signals GPS systems received from satellites in orbit around the Earth. The new radio base stations have unlocked the true potential of New Holland’s Precision Land Management (PLM) products to simplify fleet management and mapping.
Recent RTK installations include Burdens Group in Lincolnshire; Wiltshire-based TH White; RES Tractors in Leicestershire; Haynes Agricultural in South-east England; G & J Peck in Cambridgeshire; and Agricar in Scotland. Several more are planned.
“We know that GPS guidance will only become more important as time goes on, and New Holland customers are welcoming RTK coverage increasing around the country at affordable prices,” New Holland precision farming specialist John Downes said. “We already have large areas covered by our networks and the advantages are clear: greater efficiency makes for better business by cutting wasted costs, time and energy. It’s a smart investment.
“Our dealerships understand how useful this system is proving to customers and many are planning to extend their coverage. So if you have any questions about coverage, technical issues or prices, visit a branch and find out more.”
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