Friday, March 7, 2025
Tractor Tyres Direct

Spaldings: High-security locks and chains introduced

Spaldings has added ahighsecurity Wall Anchor and Locking Pin, Hitch Eye Pin Lock, Hitch Eye Lock and a High Security Hitch Chain to its security range to help farmers secure belongings to try andprevent theft.
“These highsecurity products have been added to our successful security range which already consists of items such as the tanklock, used for securing fuel tanks from content theft,” the company’s 
agriculturalsales director, Roger Chase, said. “This is an important product when, according to the NFU Mutual, over the past few years fuel theft has become increasingly popular.
    “Then our Tough Tracker is a unique, tamper proof tracking device that allows you to track down your property, something the police have been really struggling to do for our customers previously. These new products allow us to offer protection no matter what type of property you need to protect”.
Once items have been stolen from a farm business the chance of receiving them back is small, making prevention the best option. Using the Hitch Eye Lock and the Hitch Eye Pin Lock a vehicle or trailer can be chained effectively preventing anyone from towing them away from the property.
The perfect partner for the locks and wall anchors is the High Security Hitch Chain. This chain has been treated and case hardened in line with BS4942 standards. The chain has been finished in a yellow passivate coating ensuring for a long life from the product as well as for user comfort. This chain has been tested against four bolt croppers, levers, files, hacksaws and has been frozen, resulting in little or no effect to the chain. The chain comes with large eyes on both ends to allow use with the Wall Anchor and Hitch Eye products.
“Spalding’s security range offers you the chance to prevent major thefts of fuel and now large machinery, vehicles and trailers,” Mr Chase added. “We then provide you with the ability to track back down your products when the worst case possible happens. No matter what happens our products will give peace of mind to our customers.”

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