John Deere: FarmSight global precision farming system

John Deere’s new global FarmSight suite of advanced technologies designed to help optimise machinery and farm operations will be the main focus of the company’s stand at the 2012 Precision Farming Event at Peterborough on March 7.
FarmSight integrates wireless technology into the arable farmer and contractors businesses, as well as the John Deere dealership, to a much deeper level than ever before. In the future, the system will connect equipment, owners, operators, dealers and agricultural consultants in order to enhance productivity and increase efficiency by sharing information as well as sustainable practices to help reduce overall input costs.
A range of integrated solutions will include user-friendly monitors, sensors and wireless networks for machinery, and agronomic data to facilitate operational decision making. One of the first John Deere FarmSight elements is the newly developed JDLink Inside telematics machine monitoring system.
This advanced, web-based telematics solution is currently available for:
Stage IIIB compliant John Deere 8R Series and 7R Series tractors; Stage IIIB compliant John Deere W660, all T-Series and all S-Series combines; and new self-propelled forage harvesters. All new models will now be supplied with a complimentary JDLink Ultimate subscription for the machine’s first year.
Besides monitoring a machine’s location, fuel consumption and status, JDLink Ultimate also enables remote diagnostics via John Deere’s exclusive Service Advisor technology. Using this system, the machine automatically generates message alerts via e-mail or mobile phone (SMS) when service or maintenance is required.
Based on the machine owner’s preference, message alerts can be sent directly to the owner or fleet manager, the John Deere dealer or both. This entirely new level of service increases the efficiency of machine diagnostics, maintenance and repair, and so reduces machine downtime.
With the customer’s agreement, the dealer is able to remotely access machines. This enables it to access service or fault codes, as well as details about the machine. The dealer can also make software updates and diagnoses from the dealership. And with full JDLink access, it’ll also know the machine’s exact location, so that the service technician can arrive precisely when and where he’s needed.
A new optional extra for JDLink Ultimate, to be introduced later in 2012, features remote access to allow the subscriber to view the machine’s GreenStar 2630 in-cab display. This would let the machine owner or the dealer assist the operator with a problem without having to travel to the machine, as well as providing remote diagnosis of the machine or third party Isobus implements; it could also be used for machine optimisation.

Farm and dealer staff will be able to use FarmSight to monitor the operation of tractors, combines and foragers.

Another new element of the FarmSight strategy is Machine Sync, which was one of five innovations awarded a DLG Silver Medal at Agritechnica 2011. Designed for use with combines and tractors, Machine Sync enables these machines to exchange data on-the-move to improve the efficiency of the harvesting and unloading operation, and allows the combine operator to ‘guide’ a tractor and trailer alongside the harvester.
In addition, as one of a new range of complementary services being provided within the FarmSight initiative, a fast growing number of participating John Deere dealers can now offer RTK satellite signal availability in their trading areas.
The need for increased, repeatable positioning accuracy to +/-2cm, specifically for automatic guidance and machine automation applications, drives the need for this new RTK service. It is recommended for customers who require the very highest levels of accuracy for crop establishment, treatment and harvesting applications, such as potato growers or those wishing to carry out controlled-traffic farming.

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