McCormick: LiftMaster loaders upgraded for 2011

McCormick’s LiftMaster loaders at Lamma 2011 will have new features to help make them more productive and easier to use. They offer a big choice of models, capacities and lift heights to suit all tractors and applications.
A new main oil distribution valve provides a float feature for the first time. This is useful when running a fork or bucket along a hard surface because it allows the loader arms to rise and fall and the attachment to follow any dips and bumps without digging in.
An attachment level indicator rod is now included as standard to help operators set a fork or bucket at the correct angle for digging into a stockpile of manure, silage or grain.
Upright bull bars now protect the front of the tractor from accidental damage when filling a high-sided spreader or trailer. As with the mounting frame itself, which extends to the back axle to spread loads and stresses, the bull bars are designed to avoid getting in the way of any service items on the tractor.

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