Friday, March 7, 2025
Tractor Tyres Direct

Pöttinger: Lion-Vitasem seed drill combination offers grain-for-grain precision

The main objectives in developing seed drill technology are to achieve precision seed placement with optimised uniform coverage while reducing seed usage and protecting the ground. The rapid and yet smooth transition between different types of seed material contributes greatly to the reduction of seed wastage and optimises the distribution of plants for optimum growth.
The new Lion-Vitasem combination from Pöttinger focusses precisely on these objectives to offer an all-in-one seed drill solution.
The new split metering system saves time, is easy to use and is barrier-free for a smooth transition between seed types, enabling a quick and easy change between fine grain and normal grain seed materials. Transition times are reduced by 70% compared to conventional seed drills as a result.
In addition to achieving excellent seed placement distribution with coarse grain seed, even rapeseed can be sown with precision to ensure a defined low number of seeds are placed per square metre. The benefit of this innovative solution to our customers lies in the considerable improvement to seed output accuracy and reduced handling time.
These linkage-mounted seed drills can be used in combination with a power harrow, or on their own. The harrow-mounted version is easy to install and remove. On both models the centre of gravity is close to the tractor, alleviating stress on the tractor’s hydraulics and protecting the ground at headland turns.

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