For seriously damaged grassland, where maintenance and underseeding are not sufficient to achieve grassland of proper quality, Einböck has invented the PTO-driven Grass-Star direct seeder.
This direct seeder works the turf with a special tine-rotor which will not close the pores in the soil like a shredder, rotary harrow or rotary cultivator. Stones which might be found in the soil will not be brought up to the surface. The rotor mixes mats and weeds with the soil and therefore provides the perfect conditions for the germination of the new seed.
The pneumatic seeder PneumaticBox distributes the seeds widely in the upper layer of the soil. The big advantage of this system is that upon germination of the seeds the full surface is quickly covered with nutritious grasses and therefore weeds lack space to grow. With the PneumaticBox various types of seeds can be distributed up to 300kg/ha, which makes the Grass-Star a universal machine. Different rear rollers take care of the reconsolidation of the soil.
Einböck is setting new trends with the direct seeder for grassland. The re-seeding is done in a very economic and soil-conserving way with just one pass. High-quality grassland with high yield as basis for an economic course of business is not just a matter of luck.
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