The six-row Rootster 604 sugar beet harvester, with its 4t bunker capacity, was first launched at Agritechnica 2007. For use as a one-pass system, the flail topper FT300 or defoliator BM300 are available for attachment to the front linkage of the tractor.
Now the nine-row Rootster 904 has been developed. Its 4.5m wide intake unit is suitable for 45 or 50cm wide rows. Also based on this machine is the eight-row Rootster 804 to meet the demands of the Northern American market for 56cm row widths.
Both systems are ideal for conditions in Eastern Europe, the former CIS, Northern America and China.
To minimize drives over the headlands there is an optional steering stub axle fitted with automatic centre steering available. Another advantage is the new LRC remote control. This allows the driver of the trailer to control unloading, releasing the operator of the Rootster so that he can focus on the digging process.
Also available for all Rootster models is the new automatic track assistance system Root Runner. An extra-cost option, it reduces pressure on the driver so that he can fully concentrate on the digging process.
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