Spreadwise: Dribble bars put you in control

At last there’s a dribble bar designed from the outset for umbilical users. The Spreadwise 8m and 12m dribble bars were launched in the spring of 2008 at Muck Northwest, in Cheshire, and were very well received by visitors.

In this day and age, with nitrogen fertiliser at more than £300/t, farmers cannot afford to throw slurry through the air; the use of a dribble bar can reduce ammonia losses by up to 65 per cent. It’s now essential that slurry is applied at the right time in the right place and in the right quantity.

Why is the dribble bar the correct applicator to use with an umbilical hose system? The dribble bar is the most user-friendly unit for placement of slurry, as the unit does not have to be lifted up to cross the slurry hose and the driver spreads the field in the same way as with an ordinary spreader.

The frame is of heavy galvanised steel construction and distribution is via a chopper distributor head to give even feed down the 40mm hoses. Placement of the slurry is through 34 drop pipes to give an even spread of nutrients across the full width of the unit. And with reduced back-pressure, the output is usually greater than with a twin jet spreader.

The dribble bars are either manual or push-button electro-hydraulic folding to bring the transport width to less than 3m. The units are pre flanged to allow easy installation of a flow meter and GPS mapping system.

For more information visit: www.spreadwise.com.