John Deere: Implement Compensation features for GreenStar 2

John Deere’s iGuide now features implement compensation.

To increase accuracy when operating in AutoTrac curved track mode, John Deere will be introducing a new Implement Compensation feature for GreenStar 2. Implement Compensation steers the tractor according to a ‘calculated’ implement position, to eliminate the natural tendency of trailed implements to cut corners during curved operations in the field.

During set-up, the operator enters the key dimensions of the implement into the GreenStar display, including the position of the drawbar pivot and the working elements. In the field, the tractor then automatically oversteers to ensure that the implement bouts match up more accurately. Implement Compensation will be included in a free-of-charge software update for GreenStar 2, which is planned for summer 2009.

John Deere’s new iGuide system goes a stage further, by automatically steering the tractor according to a highly accurate positioning signal (within +/-2cm) provided by a second StarFire RTK receiver mounted on the implement itself. The tractor is then able to compensate fully for crabbing of the implement on slopes as well as in curves, ensuring precise bout matching even in extreme conditions.

Work quality is dramatically improved and tramline or row spacing is significantly more accurate, with further benefits when using the rows or tramlines for subsequent fertiliser and crop protection applications. The new iGuide system can be fitted to all trailed implements when working with John Deere AutoTrac tractors equipped with a GreenStar 2 display and StarFire RTK. Full pricing of the iGuide system is to be confirmed.