AVR: One-pass system results in a better crop

The AVR planting combination.

AVR has launched the Compact as a new product on the UK market.

The machine is a combination of the AVR Multivator and a Hassia Cupplanter, and it allows one man to carry out planting and ridging in one pass on ploughed land.

The Multivator is also available in a front-mounted version. This allows the farmer to put a Multivator on front and the Cupplanter on the back of the tractor to assure optimal results in all conditions.

The combination of the Multivator and the Cupplanter guarantees a perfect soil structure due to the fact that there is no wheeling on the seedbed. This means that the soil under the ridges remains loose, resulting in greater yields, less clods and less bruising while harvesting the potatoes.

The benefits also include a more uniform yield due to the improved circulation and drainage of water. This one-pass system saves labour and fuel and results in a better crop.
