Alo UK: New multi-purpose Powergrab

The new, high-strength Powergrab from Alo gives improved cutting quality together with the capability of high-speed working using specially designed teeth tines and a conically shaped bucket.
The tines leave a good cut surface, reducing air ingress into the remainder of the clamp, thus preventing the build up of heat. The conical bucket design ensures efficient emptying of material and a fast turn-around speed.
Suitable for many kinds of silage or manure, the design of the Powergrab enables it to cut right up to the silage wall and suits both tractor loaders and materials handlers. Alo’s Selecto Fix system also makes implement changeover very quick and easy.
Available in four models from 185cm wide with 1.0 cubic metre capacity to 260cm, with a volume of 1.4 cubic metres, the new Powergrab has the strength and versatility to be used for a wide variety of fork and bucket operations around the farm.

For further information contact Alo UK Ltd on 01299 250922, or visit: